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The Department of Modern European Languages (now European Studies) was one of the first departments created by the new University of Ibadan in 1962. French and German were first set up in the Faculty of Arts of the then University College Ibadan (UCI) during the 1959/60 session with two lecturers in charge. A slight expansion occurred in 1960/61 with the appointment of one lecturer to cater for Arabic Studies. Finally, in 1961/62, the last year of the sub-unit’s existence. Further expansion occurred with the appointment of five lectures, three in French and German and two in Arabic. During the 1962/63 Session, when the UCI became the autonomous University of Ibadan, the sub-unit metamorphosed into too full-fledged Departments with three lecturers each, namely the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies and the Department of Modern Languages. 

The first five years in the life of the new Department recorded numerous achievements. Among them were the award of the first Ph.D degree in French and the creation of the full honours degree programme in German in 1967. 

Russian, one of the major world languages, was introduced in 1965 with one lecturer to provide ancillary tuition for Science and Agriculture students. Further development of Russian culminated in the creation of a full honours degree programme in 1979 with the aim of equipping Nigerian undergraduates of Russian Studies with language skills and practice in Russian and also providing them with the knowledge of the literature, culture and civilisation and political development of Russia. 

The Department adopted its present designation of European Studies during the 1995/96 session in order to fully reflect the structure, vocation as well as the study and research content of the Department, which comprise teaching and research not only in European languages and literature but also in other aspects devoted to the study of European life - history, political institutions and thought, socio-economic structures, foreign policies, educational systems and so on. 

The Department has been blessed with renowned scholars and Heads of Department who have contributed immensely to its overall development. The graduates of the Department are successfully employed in various fields in Nigeria and abroad and notably contribute to the national and global progress. 

The Department of European Studies strives to be a foremost Department providing first class knowledge in European languages, culture and literature for relevant development of the individual, the nation and the international community. 

The Department of European Studies, which offers Bachelor’s degree programmes in French, Translation and European Studies, is set to produce competitive and accomplished multilingual graduates who, in addition to English and other languages, have a good oral and written mastery of the languages offered in the Department. Furthermore, the Department aims at producing graduates who will be able to participate effectively, with their vintage multilingual competence and well-informed knowledge of trans-national issues as well as linguistics, in the administration and management of education, technology, computer science, commerce, industry, international trade, diplomacy, information and the civil service.