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ARC 111Introduction of Archaeology4
ARC 122Environment and Man5
ANT 115Introduction to Cultural Anthropology4
ANT 125Introduction to Biological Anthropology5


Archaeology Theory and Practical

ARC212Fieldwork l: Archaeology4
ARC221Early Human Technologies (Laboratory Course)4
ARC222Introduction to Environmental Archeology5
ANT211Introduction to Genetics and Cell Physiology (BIO 211)4
ANT215Cultural and Society4
ANT216Hominid Evolution and Cultural Beginnings4
ANT217Fieldwork 1: Anthropology4
ANT225Communication in Society4
ANT226History of Anthropology Theory: An Introduction4
ANT228Introduction to Cultural Resource Management4
ARC 311Introduction to Ethnorcheology3
ARC 312Fieldwork 11: Archaeology5
ARC 313African Arts3
ARC 314Archeology of Africa (Excluding West Africa)4
ARC 315Environmental Archeology 15
ARC 321Quantitative Method in Archeology3
ARC 322Technology and Artefacts classification 14
ARC 323Conservation and material Science4
ANT 311Genetic variability and Evolution(B10 311)4
ANT 315Primate and Man3
ANT 316Material Cultural in Society3
ANT 317Fieldwork 11: Anthropology5
ANT 318Ethnolody of Rural & Urban Society4
ANT 325Innovation, Change, and development4
ANT 326Peoples and Cultures of Africa4
ANT 328African Anthropological Theory4
ANT 329Biological variations in Human populations4



ARC411Physico -Chemical methods in Archaeology3
ARC412Fieldwork 111: Archaeology3
ARC413Environmental Archeology II3
ARC415Special Project: Archaeology6
ARC421Technology and Artefacts classification 114
ARC422Archeology of West Africa and the Sahara5
ANT415Special Project: Anthropology5
ANT416Applied Anthropology5
ANT417Fieldwork 111: Anthropology3
ANT418Problems of theory and methods in Anthropology 
  And Archeology3
ANT419Anthropology and community health in Africa4
ANT425Family and Kinship3
ANT426Molecular Basis of human variation3
ANT427Nutritional Anthropology4
ANT428West African and Nigerian Ethnology4
ANT429Cultural Resources Management3



Course NoTitle and DescriptionNumber of HoursUnits

Con- current require


Pre- requisit es
Lectu resPracti ce al



ARC 111

Introduction to Archaeology Archaeology, its meaning, development and methods. Artefact study and


30 304  
ARC 122

Environment and Humans Principal components of the

environment. The dynamics of ecological system with special reference to the human environment. Natural hazards.

The maintenance of ecological equilibrium humans' survival and


45 305  
ANT 115Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Anthropology, the meaning and significance. Human societies, and methods of study. Culture society and the individual40 204  
ANT 125

Introduction to Primates and Humans

Biological taxonomy. Theory and

mechanism of




organic evolution .Primates, Classification, Distribution and development through time. Structure and function of the primate body Primates compared with humans and

other mammals.

AR C 211

Archaeological Theory and Practice Theories underlying the practice of Archaeology. Archaeology reconnaissance And excavation.

Interpretation of results And


AR C 212

Fieldwork 1: Introduction to Excavation

Practical archaeology reconnaissance

and . basic surveying

 180 4

ARC 221

or ANT 216

AR C 221

Early Human Technologies (Laboratory Course) Inorganic/ organic materials and technologies . A survey of techniques invented by humans for modifying natural and synthetic materials: < ceramics, glass, metal alloys etc. Theory and practical of artifact study: Manufacture, identification measurement. description

and illustration

ARC 222

Introduction to Environmental Archaeology

Origins of life and of the universe. The place of

Humans is nature components of the

45 305ARC 122
 environment. History and aspects of    
 environmental studies in Archaeology, World    
 ecosystems and humans.    
ANT 215

Culture and Society

Culture, its meaning and significance Cultural

attributes and their dynamics. Ecology, language,

30 304 
 social political and belief systems. Cultural   
 development with special reference to human's   
 recent cultural history West Africa as case study.   
ANT 216

Hominid Evolution and Early Cultural Development

The place of humans in nature and humans'

40 204 
 evolution from the primate ancestry, Culture as a   
 means of adaptation, Physical and cultural   
 evolution of the himinoids/hominids to the   
 present. Tool making, language and social   


ARC 311

Introduction to Ethnoarchaeology

Meaning and development of Ethnoarchaeology . Data: nature and problems of collection and interpretation. Inferring non material cultural patterns and processes from material remains.

40 204  
ARC 312

Fieldwork 11: Archaeology

Archaeological surveying section and plan drawing. Practical methods of reconnaissance And excavation. Recovery and field preservation Of artefacts. Recording and


15180 5

6 other ARC


ARC 2 1 2



     2 1 5
ARC 313

African Arts

The Arts of Africa from earliest times With particular reference to

 the Nile Valley and sub- Saharan    
 Africa. Recent Developments all    
 over the continent    
ARC 314

Archaeology of Africa (Excluding West Africa) Man and his cultural development from Upper Tertiary through the Quaternary

Hominoid/Hominid populations, ecological

40 204

ARC 2 1 1

or ANT 2 1 6

 Setting, hunting and gathering, farming and    
 Pastoralism. The Metal Age and its    
 development. The Bantu phenomenon. Trade and early State systems.     
ARC 315

Environmental Archaeology I

Basic concepts of palaeoecology Tertiary and Quaternary environments. Problems of stratigraphy, chronology and environmental reconstruction with reference to Africa, especially Nigeria.

45-305ARC 222


ARC 312

Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

Basic statistical techniques. The application of complex multivarative approach in research


ARC 322

Technology and Artefact Classification I

The analysis of the common artefacts "especially stone, pottery and bone via analytical chemistry, spectroscopic and radiographic methods.

Typological theory. Practical classification of assemblages. Replication experiments in the

study of artefact technology.

 60154ARC 22
ARC 323

Conservation and Material Science

Excavation and Conservation, Physical and chemical deterioration of antiquities and its prevention. Uses of adhesives, consolidants and


ANT 315

Primates and Humans

Classification and Evolution: Ecology and Adaptation within the Cenezoic.Diet and Behaviour. Humans and primates with respect to physical /adaptive and social characteristics. Locomotor and communication/defence habits.

Examining the evidence from specific sites.

ANT 316

Material Culture and Society

The study of material culture using archaeological

/ ethnographic data and replication experiments. Invention and manufacture of artefacts and structures. The relationship of material items to other facets of human behaviour.

30 153
ANT 317

Fieldwork II: Anthropoloqy

Aims, objectives and problems of ethnographic fieldwork Field methods - data collecting and

recording. Analysis and presentation of data.

15180 5ANT 215 & ANT 217
 Commencement of field project.    
ANT 318

Ethnoloqy of Rural/Urban Societies

Organization of resources at rural/urban level for economic and political ends. The regulators of resources; competition, with emphasis on local

level institutions in past and present day Africa.

45 304 
ANT 325

Innovation, Chanqe and Development

Theories and methods of studying technological

and socio-cultural change with specific examples:

40 204 
 (1) Early Farming and Urban Societies (2)   
 Dynamics of rural/urban communities in recent   


ANT 326

Peoples and Cultures of Africa

Language and Ethnic Groupings. Culture area. Cultural institutions and belief systems prior to colonial impact Cultural trends over the past 400 years.

45 304 



African Anthropoloqicai Theory Identifying central features of the African perspectives on anthropological theory, comparing and contrasting them with other views of the human condition. European, Indian,

Chinese etc.

45 304  
ARC 411

Phvsico-Chemical Methods in Archaeoloqy Geo-physical methods for site discovery and reconnaissance. Dating methods.

Physio-chemical analysis of materials Geo-

archacological techniques.

ARC 412

Fieldwork in Archaeology Supervision of Excavation, substantive recording of field and excavation data, practice in surveying, section and plan

drawing and reconnaissance.

1590 3ARC 312 
ARC 413

Environmental Archaeoloqy II The philosophy and principles of environmental archaeology. The

environment and the evolution and development of hominids and of their cultures. Hominid activities in ecological context with case studies. Relevance of

environmental archaeology today.

2510103• AR C 315 
ARC 415

Special Project: Archaeology

An extended essay on a subject in the field of Archaeology to be approved by the Head

of Department.

ARC 421

Technology and Artefact Classification II Application of Typological theory to archaeological assemblages. Advanced practical and comparative work in classification and replication experiments in

artefact technology.

 60154ARC 322 
ARC 422

Archaeology of West Africa and the Sahara The ecological background. Early stonejusing cultures. Food production and Neolithic Cultures. Metallurgy and its effects. Iron Age cultures and population

movements. Trade, Medieval States and



ANT 415

Applied Anthrooology

Use of ethnographic information for public policy formulation e.g. Public Administration, Education, Rural/Urban Development. The application of the media in Anthropology, eg. data gathering

teaching communicating with the

1590 3  
ANT 417

Fieldwork ill: Anthropology

Completion of ANT 317 project

1590 3ANT 317
AN T 418

Problems of Theory and Methods in Archaeology and Anthropology

The links between archaeology and cultural anthropology in areas of theory and methods especially in (a) epistemology and

(b) synchronic and diachronic analysis, and

implications for conceptualizations of social and cultural systems

30 153 
ANT 419

Anthropology and Community Health in Africa

Population (community) health and its relevant anthropological theories of health and diseases. The prospects of the application of anthropological data in

public health care delivery system.

40 204 
ANT 425

Family and Kinship 30 Family, descent and kinship as socio-biological systems in space and time kinship terminology and social relations. The role of kinship in social life.

Kinship as symbolic model.

ANT 426

Human Variation

Genetics and Evolution. Environmental background History of ideas.

Nature and extent of present day human variability. Language, race and


30-153ANT 326 
ANT 428

Nigerian/West African Ethnology Comparative analysis of the socio-culture and cultural history of peoples

of Nigeria and West Africa, with attention to ethnological methodology

and dynamics of culture change.

30 304ANT 315 



Cultural Resource Management30 153ANT 316 



Resources types in culture and nature. The significance and care of cultural resources, legislation. Design and execution of environmental assessments sites and resource surveys, resource management and decision on the quality of

contemporary life.

    OR ARC323