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Academic Programme

Our Programmes include: 

  1. B.A. Arabic Language and Literature
  2. B.A. Arabic and Islamic Studies (Combined)
  3. B.A., Islamic Studies
  4. M.A., Arabic Language and Literature.
  5. M.A., Islamic Studies.
  6. M.Phil/Ph.D., Arabic and Islamic Studies.


Single Honours (Arabic Language and Literature)

1. There shall be a programme of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, denoted B.A. Arabic Language and Literature. The degree shall be awarded with honours.

2. To be awarded the degree, candidates shall be expected to take a combination of approved compulsory, required and elective courses. The terms used in describing the various categories of courses are defined as follows:

a) Compulsory: A course specified by the University or Department which a student must take and pass.

b) Required: A course specified by the Department which a student must take but not necessarily pass.

c) Elective: A course specified by the Department which a student can take in order to make up the required additional units for the award of the degree.

d) Pre-requisite: A course which essentially must be taken prior to the taking of another course.

3. The minimum number of units for the award of the Bachelor’s degree in Arabic Language and Literature shall be 160. They shall be distributed as follows:

100 Level - 40 Units

200 Level - 40 Units

300 and 400 Levels - 80 Units

Total - 160 Units

In addition, all students must satisfy the Faculty and the Departmental regulations.

b) Of these 160 Units, 113 must be obtained in the department and the remaining 47 units must be in areas outside the department. The 47 units shall be distributed as follows:

100 Level - 10 Units

200 Level - 9 Units

300 and 400 Levels - 12 Units

Total - 31 Units

+ 16 Units GES

Single Honours (Islamic Studies)

1. There shall be a programme of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, denoted B.A. Islamic Studies. The degree shall be awarded with honours.

2. To be awarded the degree, candidates shall be expected to take a combination of approved compulsory, required and elective courses. The term used in describing the various categories of courses are defined as follows:

a) Compulsory: A course specified by the Department which a student must take and pass.

b) Required: A course specified by the Department which a student must take but not necessary pass.

c) Elective: A course specified by the Department which can be taken in order to make up the required additional units for the award of the degree

d) Pre-requisite: A course which essentially must be taken prior to the taking of another course.

3. The minimum number of units for the award of the Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Studies shall be 160. These shall be distributed as follows:

100 Level - 40 Units

200 Level - 40 Units

300 and 400 Levels - 80 Units

160 Units

In addition, all students must satisfy the specified Faculty and Departmental regulations.

Of these 160 units, 113 must be obtained in the area of Islamic Studies and the remaining 47 units must be in areas other than Islamic Studies. The 113 internal units and the 47 external units including GES courses shall be distributed as follows:

Internal Units External Units 
100 Level23 Units100 Level17 Units
200 Level26 Units200 Level14 Units
300 and 400 Levels64 Units300 and 400 Levels16 Units
Total113 Units 47 Units

Combined Honours (Arabic and Islamic Studies)

There shall be a programme of studies leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts, denoted B.A. Arabic and Islamic Studies Combined. The degree shall be awarded with honours.

4. To be awarded the degree, candidates shall be expected to take a combination of approved compulsory, required and elective courses. The term used in describing the various categories of courses are defined as follows:

a) Compulsory: A course specified by the Department which a student must take and pass.

b) Required: A course specified by the Department which a student must take but not necessary pass.

c) Elective: A course specified by the Department which can be taken in order to make up the required additional units for the award of the degree

d) Pre-requisite: A course which essentially must be taken prior to the taking of another course.

5. The minimum number of units for the award of the Bachelor’s degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies (Combined) shall be 160. These shall be distributed as follows:

100 Level - 25 Units

200 Level - 25 Units

300 and 400 Levels - 64 Units

Total - 114 Units

In addition, students must obtain 46 units from areas outside their major disciplines. These 46 units shall be distributed as follows:

100 Level - 8 Units

200 Level - 10 Units

300 and 400 Levels - 12 Units

Total - 30 Units

+16 GES


6. All students must register for a minimum of 40 units per session.

7. At the 100 level, each student must register for 7 units under the General Studies Programme (GES). By the time he completes his degree, he must have registered for a total of 16 units under the same programme. Two of these GES courses (GES 101 and GES 201) are compulsory. Other GES courses are required.

The registration guidelines are summarized below:

a) Single Honours

i) 4-Year Programme

 InternalExternalGESExt. BiceTotal
100 Level23(17)71040
200 Level26(14)5940
300 & 400 Levels64(16)41240

ii) 3-Year Programme

200 Level22(18)9940
300 & 400 Levels60(20)71380

b) Combined Honours

i) 4-Year Programme

100 Level257840
200 Level2551040
300 & 400 Levels6441280

ii) 3-year Programme

200 Level229940
300 & 400 Levels6071380

c) All students must register for a minimum of 40 units per semester

d) At the 100 level, each student must register for 7 units under the General Studies Programmes (GES); by the time he completes his degree programme, he must have obtained a total of 16 units under the same programme. Two of these GES Courses (GES 101 and GES 201) re compulsory. Other GES courses are required.


The Registration guidelines and graduation requirements for students majoring in Islamic Studies are as follows:

Single Honours

i) 4 Year Programme

 InternalGESExt. BiceTotal
100 Level2371040
200 Level265940
300 & 400 Levels6441280

ii) 3-Year Programme

200 Level229940
300 & 400 Levels6071380


Course(s)Course RequirementsRemarks
Direct EntryUMEUME Subjects
Arabic Language andTwo “A” Level PassesFive “O” Level CreditsArabic and TwoIbadan accepts
Literaturein Arabic and otherin English, Arabic andsubjects from ArtsDiploma in Arabic and
 Arts subject of NCE tothree other relevantand/or social SciencesIslamic Studies of
 include Arabicsubjects Ibadan, and other
 Language  Nigerian Universities
Islamic StudiesTwo “A” Level PassesFive “O” Level CreditsIslamic ReligiousIbadan accepts
 to include Islamicin English, IslamicStudies & two subjectsDiploma in Arabic &
 StudiesReligious Studies andfrom Arts and/orIslamic Studies of
  three other relevantSocial SciencesIbadan and other
  subjects. Nigerian University