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    Personal Information
     Name: Olakunbi O. Olasope
    Designation: Professor
    Academic Qualification: B.A (Hons), M.A Classics, PhD Classics,University of Ibadan,Ibadan
    Faculty: Arts
    Department: Classics

    Phone number: 08037119459

    Google Scholar Profile 

    Research Gate Profile

    ORCID Profile



    Email Address 2:

     Area of Specialisation:
    Curriculun Vitae


    I. (a) Name: Olakunbi Ojuolape Olasope

    (b) Date of Birth: 14 August, 1971

    (c) Department: Classics

    (d) Faculty: Arts

    II. (a) First Academic Appointment: Assistant Lecturer (5 March, 1997)

    (b) Present Post (with date): Professor (1 October, 2016)

    (c) Date of last Promotion: (1 October, 2016)

    III. University Education

    a. University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria - 1987 – 1991

    b. University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria - 1992 – 1994

    c. University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria - 1996 – 2005

    IV. Academic Qualifications (with dates and granting bodies):

    a. B.A (Hons) Classical Studies, University of Ibadan - 1991

    b. M.A Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan - 1994

    c. PhD Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan - 2005

    V. Professional Qualifications and Diplomas

    a. Proficiency Certificate Course in French Language 2003

    b. International Deans’ Course Africa on Higher Education and Leadership Osnabruck and Berlin, Abuja

    and Addis Ababa. 2011-2012

    VI. Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates)

    a. A.G. Leventis Visiting Scholar Grant 2002

    b. University of Ibadan Senate Research Grant 2005/2006

    c. British Academy Visiting Fellowship 2007

    d. Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2007

    e. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship 2008

    f. A.G. Leventis Research Fellowship 2015/2016

    VII. Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies

    a. Member, Nigerian Academy of Letters.

    b. Member, Classical Association of Nigeria.

    c. Member, Classical Association of Ghana.

    d. Member, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, U.K.

    e. Member, Hellenic Society, U.K.


    f. Member, Society for Classical Studies, U.S.A

    g. Member, African Theatre Association, U.K.

    h. Member, Friends of the British Museum, UK.

    i. Member, Jocasta Network, Greecee.

    j. Institutional Representative Classical Reception Studies Network, U.K.

    VIII. Details of Teaching or Work Experience

    (a) Assistant Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan 5 March, 1997- 30 September, 1999.

    (b) Lecturer II, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan 1 October, 1999 – 30 September, 2004.

    (c) Lecturer I, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan 1 October, 2004 – 30 September, 2007.

    (d) Senior Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan 1 October, 2007 – 30 September, 2013.

    (e) Reader, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan 1 October, 2013 – 30 September, 2016.

    (f) Professor, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 1 October, 2016 -

    (g) Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy & Classics, University of Ghana. 22 February, 2017- 31 December, 2019.

    (h) Adjunct Professor, Department of Performing Arts & Film Studies, Leadcity University, Ibadan. 2021-

    Courses Taught at University of Ibadan Undergraduate

    CLC101 - Introduction to Ancient Greek Culture, Mythology and Religion CLC102 - Introduction to Roman Culture and Society

    CLC 105 - Introduction to Early Greek Philosophy CLC 202 - Introduction to Greek and Roman Theatre CLC 205 - Early Greek Philosophy

    CLC 302 - Greek Drama CLC 303 - Roman Drama

    CLC 316 - Greek Mythology and Religion CLC 317 - Roman Mythology and Religion CLC 312 - Roman Empire under the Principate CLC 321 - Roman Civil Law

    CLC 322 - Jurisprudence in Roman Law CLC 401 - Supervision of Long Essays

    CLC 403 - Advanced Study in Ancient History



    CLC 701 - MA Long essay CLC 704 - Roman Society

    CLC 715 - Roman Law and International Relations CLC 753 - Gender Issues in Classical Antiquity

    MA – Completed-4
    PhD – Completed-3
    Mphil – Completed-1

    Courses Taught at the University of Ghana, Legon Undergraduate

    CLAS 321 Gender in Ancient Greece

    CLAS 322 Gender in Ancient Rome


    CLAS 703 Approaches in Classical Studies

    CLAS 704 Selected Roman Text/Author

    CLAS 711 Mythology in Graeco-Roman Antiquity

    CLAS 714 Women & Gender in Graeco-Roman Antiquity

    Courses Examined Internally & Externally

    M.Phil. dissertations at the University of Ghana, Legon, - 2010 –

    PhD Thesis at Makerere University, Uganda - 2021/2022

    Courses Taught at Lead City University, Ibadan.

    PER 110 Basic Communication Theory

    PER 201 History of Theatre

    PER 302 Dramatic Literature and Criticism

    PER 311 African Drama and Theatre

    PER 701 Nigerian Cultures and the Nigerian Cultural Policy

    Administrative Experience 
    Secretary @ Departmental Academic Staff Meetings-1997 - 1999
    Member, Senior Common Room Committee, Faculty ofArts2000 - 2002
    Member, Environment Committee, Faculty of Arts 2004 - 2006
    Member, Faculty Finance Committee-2005 - 2007
    Arts Rep. on University Computer Committee-2007- 2009
    Staff Adviser, Hoi Phrontistai-2005 - 2009
    Departmental Postgraduate Studies Coordinator-2007 - 2009
    Member, Servicom, University of Ibadan-2003 - 2019
    Staff Adviser, Association of Faculty of Arts Students-2005 - 2019
    Ag. Head of Department of Classics-2009 - 2014
    Chairperson, Faculty of Arts Fundraising Committee-2011- till date
    Member, University of Ibadan Senate-2016-


    Member, Senate Publications Committee-2018-2020
    Member, Senate Truth Committee-2018-2020
    Head, Department of Classics-2020-2022, 2022-
    Community / National Service  

    Secretary, Sixty Landmarks UI @ 60 Committee Librarian, Nigerian Academy of Letters

    Ex-Officio at EDUCARE

    Assistant General Secretary at EDUCARE Welfare Secretary at SSASOGA NATIONAL

     March 2022-2023

    Assistant General Secretary Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), UI Branch Secretary, Nigerian Academy of Letters. - 2023-

    Research Positions

    Visiting Scholar, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Spring term, USA (2002) Senior Research Fellow, Oriel College, University of Oxford, Trinity term, (2007) Academic Visitor, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, Spring (2010) Academic Visitor, University of Reading, United Kingdom (2015-2016)

    Visiting Scholar, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana (2017-2019.)

    IX. Research

    (a) Completed

    (i) Roman Attitudes to the Early Christians in the First and Second Centuries.

    (ii) Property Rights of Upper-Class Roman Women in the Late Republic and Early Empire.

    (b) In Progress:

    (i) Athenian Women and Feminism: The Past in the Present

    This research dwells on patriarchy and its oppressive influence on women. “Patriarchy”, broadly speaking, connotes a society based on male dominance of all areas of valued activity, where women are seen as subordinate members of society and expressly denied certain desirable opportunities on the basis of their identity as women. Patriarchal societies espouse a thoroughly unequal model of gender relations and thereby ensure that one characteristic of these relations will be gender dissonance. They, however, characteristically allot to adult women the management of households and early rearing of the young. Although gender ideology often seeks to deny women active independent agency, it also requires them to be successfully functioning wives and mothers. It thus requires them to exercise an energetic practical agency in their own sphere.


    (c) Project, Dissertation and Thesis

    i. Awofisayo, O.O (1994). The Roman legal Realities in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. M.A project, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan.

    ii. Olasope O.O. (2005) The Ideal of Univira in Traditional Marriage Systems in Ancient Rome and Yorubaland, PhD Thesis, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan.


    X. Publications

    (a) Books Already Published

    1. Olasope, Olakunbi (ed.) (2013). Black Dionysos: Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Ibadan: Kraft Books. 337pp. ISBN 978-978-918-163-6. (Nigeria).

    2. Osofisan, Femi with Olasope, Olakunbi (2020) Gamaliel Onosode, Classicus. An Honourable Life. Mosuro Publishers 289pp. ISBN9789785702720

    3. Olasope, Olakunbi (ed.) (forthcoming). Black Dionysos: In Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Volume II. Ibadan: Kraft Books.

    (b) Chapters in Books Already Published.

    4. Olasope, Olakunbi (2002). Greek and Yoruba Beliefs in Sophocles’Antigone and Femi Osofisan’s Adaptation, Tegonni. In Egbe Ifie (Ed.) Papers in Honour of Tekena N. Tamuno at 70. Ibadan: Opotoru Books. 408–420pp. ISBN 978-8014-08-9. (Nigeria).

    5. Olasope, Olakunbi (2010). Women in the Oikos: Re-thinking Greek Male Anxiety over Female Sexuality. In Kwofie, Emmanuel and Ayeleru, Babatunde (Eds.) Language, Literature and Criticism: Essays in Honour of Aduke Adebayo. Ibadan: Zenith Bookhouse Publishers. 473-486pp. ISBN 978-978-50793-1-9. (Nigeria).

    6. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). To sack a City or to Breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu. In Developments in the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Nigerian Drama and Theatre. Eds. Duro Oni and Sola Adeyemi.Rochester, UK: Alpha Crowne Publishers. 89-98pp.

    7. Olasope, Olakunbi (2013). Painting a Cross-Cultural Canvas: Osofisan’s Journey between Athens and Yorubaland. An Interview. In Olasope, Olakunbi (Ed.) Black Dionysos: Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Ibadan: Kraft Books. 3-27pp. ISBN 978- 978-918-163-6. (Nigeria).

    8. Olasope, Olakunbi (2024) Medaye: Patriarchy, Love and Exile in Nineteenth Century Yorubaland. In “Medea’s Long Shadow in Postcolonial Contexts”, pp.99-110 Routledge Publishers, New York.

    9. Olasope, Olakunbi (forthcoming) Culture and Race in Classical Reception: West African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy. In The Cambridge Companion to Classics and Race. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

    10. Olasope, Olakunbi (forthcoming) Cultural Heritage: Classics at Ibadan since 1948. ‘Classics In and Out of the Academy: Classical Pedagogy in the Twenty-First Century’. Routledge .


    (c) Articles that have Already Appeared in Learned Journals

    11. Olasope, Olakunbi (2001). The Roman Slave and His Prospects in the Late Republic and Early Empire, Castalia, Vol. 6: 63 – 71 (Nigeria).

    12. Olasope, Olakunbi (2004). Gender Discriminations in Classical Rome, Ibadan Journal of European Studies No 4: 34-56 (Nigeria).

    13. Olasope, Olakunbi (2005). Differential Equations: Bride-Price and Dowry in Ancient Roman and Yoruba Cultures. Nigeria and the Classics, Vol. 21: 71-77 (Nigeria).

    14. Olasope, Olakunbi (2007). Patriarchy and Classical Athens: State Regulation of the lives of Women, Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 3: 16-24 (Ghana).

    15. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). The Extent of the Powers of the Paterfamilias and Olori-ebi in Ancient Roman and Yoruba Cultures. Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities, New Series, Vol. 2, No. 2: 153-169 (Ghana).

    16. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). Univira: The Ideal Roman Matrona. Lumina, Vol. 20, No 2: 204-213 (Philippines).

    17. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, I.M (2010). The Okebadan Festival: a Prototype of the Dionysiac Festival. Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 6, Nos. 1&2: 48-70 (Ghana)

    18. Olasope, Olakunbi and Adeyemi, Sola (2011). Fracturing the Insularity of the Global State: War and Conflict in Moira Buffini's Welcome to Thebes. Lagos Notes and Records, Vol. 17: 99-110 (Nigeria).

    19. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). The Artifice of Lysistrata in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata and the plight of Hellenic Women, Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA, Nos.7&8 :147- 166 (Nigeria).

    20. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). The Augustan Social Reforms of 18 BC and the Elite Roman Women. Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities, New Series, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2: 252-266 (Ghana).

    21. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). A Review of Omobolanle Sotunsa and Olajumoke Yacob- Haliso (Eds.) Women in Africa: Contexts, Rights, Hegemonies. Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies, Vol. 9: 259-265 (Nigeria).

    22. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). Wailing Women in Ancient Greek Society. Ife Journal of Foreign Languages (IJOFOL), Vol. 8: 286-297 (Nigeria).

    23. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). Prostitution: The Appetites of Athenian Men in the Classical Period, Lagos Notes and Records, Vol. 18, No.1: 89-104 (Nigeria).


    24. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). (Revised). To Sack a City or to breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu. African Performance Review, Vol. 6, No 1: 111-121 (United Kingdom).

    25. Olasope, Olakunbi and Blavo, E.B (2014). Female Patrons: A Reconstruction of Women’s Identity in the Late Roman Republic and Principate. Ibadan Journal of European Studies, Vol. 14: 339-358 (Nigeria).

    26. Olasope, Olakunbi (2014). Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies.

    Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 5, No.1:69-114 (Ghana).

    27. Olasope, Olakunbi (2014). Stage Acting and the Actor in Ancient Rome: Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA Nos. 9&10: 117-134 (Nigeria).

    28. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). The Contributions of Women to the Athenian Economy in Antiquity. Nigeria and the Classics, Vol. 29: 35-50 (Nigeria).

    29. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). The Playwright is a Labourer of Love. An Interview with Femi Osofisan. Critical Stages/ Scenes Critiques the IACT Webjournal, Issue No 12: 1- 10 (United States of America).

    30. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). Women’s Reproductive Health in Greek Antiquity. Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 11, No.1: 156-177 (Ghana).

    31. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, Idowu (2015). A Survey of Greek Cosmogony and Modern Cosmological Hypotheses. Ibadan Journal of European Studies, Vol. 15: 445- 467 (Nigeria).

    32. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, Idowu (2015). Chiron in Apollonius’ Argonautica and Itanforiti of Fagunwa’s Ireke- Onibudo: a Centaur’s Journey in Space and Time. Ibadan: Journal of English Studies. Vol.11: 282- 305 (Nigeria).

    33. Olasope, Olakunbi (2017). Lament as Women’s Speech in Femi Osofisan’s Adaptation of Euripides’ Trojan Women: Women of Owu. Textus English Studies in Italy Vol. XXX No 2: 105-121 (Italy).

    34. Olasope, Olakunbi (2019) Introductory Notes on Femi Osofisan’s Morountodun in the play Morountodun. Mosuro Publishers, Pp.118-147 (Nigeria).

    35. African Takeover. (2021) MEDAAYE. Blogs 9,10 & 11. Hosted by Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) The Open University, United Kingdom.

    36. Olasope, Olakunbi (2022) Producer’s Notes on Femi Osofisan’s MEDAAYE in the play

    MEDAAYE Pp.10-13 Mosuro Publishers (Nigeria).

    (d) Books, Chapters in Books and Articles Already Accepted for Publication

    37. Olasope, Olakunbi (2024 forthcoming). Review of T.B.L Webster’s Some thoughts on the prehistory of Greek Drama. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies.


    (e) Monographs

    38. Olasope, Olakunbi (2006). Marriage Alliances in Ancient Rome: Ibadan, Hope Library of Liberal Arts Series 5, 48 pp. ISBN 978-8080-47-2. (Nigeria).

    39. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). Roman Jewellery, Benin Beads for Class Structures: Significance of Adornment in Ancient Cultures: Ibadan, Hope Library of Liberal Arts series 8, 36 pp. ISBN 978-8080-47-2. (Nigeria).

    40. Olasope, Olakunbi ( forthcoming) Greek Tragedy on Nigerian Stage. Routledge Post- Colonial Studies Series.


    XI. Major Conferences Attended with Papers Read

    § The seventeenth Annual Colloquim on the Novel, Groningen, Netherlands, April 24- 27, 1994

    § Omero 3000 Anni Dopo International Classical Conference, Genoa, Italy, July 6-8, 2000.

    § International Medieval Congress, International Medieval Institute, Leeds, United Kingdom, July 9-12, 2001.

    Paper Read: Aquinas’ Reconstruction of Medieval Political Thought

    § 11th Annual Conference of American Studies Association of Nigeria Sept 15 - 18, 2004, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    § 30th Annual Meeting and Conference of African Literature Association, Wisconsin, Madison, April 14-18, 2004

    Paper Read: The Extent of the Powers of the Paterfamilias and the Olori-ebi in Roman and Yoruba Cultures

    § 13th Annual Conference of the Women’s History Network: Women & Political Authority. Hull, United Kingdom, September 2004.

    Paper Read: Between Cornelia and Agrippina: A Historical Re-consideration.

    § 14th Annual Conference of the Women’s History Network: Women, Art and Culture. Southampton Solent University, United Kingdom, September 2-4, 2005.

    Paper Read: Patriarchy and Classical Athens: State Regulation of the Lives of Women.

    § 31st Annual Meeting and Conference of the African Literature Association, Boulder, Colorado, April 6-10, 2005.

    § Sixth European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22-25 March, 2006.

    Paper Read: Differential Equation: Dowry and Bride-price in Ancient Roman and Yoruba Cultures.

    § Joint Committee of Greek and Roman Societies Triennial Meeting, Oxford, 28 July – 1 August, 2008

    § 3rd European Conference on African Studies: Respacing Africa, Leipzig, Germany, 4- 7 June, 2009.

    § African Theatre Association (AFTA) International Conference. New Directions in African Theatre and Performance, University of Northampton, Avenue Campus, UK, 30 July-2 August, 2009

    § 4th World Summit of Mayors International Conference, Osogbo, Nigeria, February 25th- March 3rd 2011.


    Paper Read: Women and Representation in Nigerian Universities: Gender Equity and Higher Education in University of Ibadan.

    § Fifth Trends in Classics International Conference on Latin Genre: Generic Interface: Encounters, Interactions, and Transformations in Latin Literature, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25 May 26- 29, 2011.

    § Joint Committee of Greek and Roman Societies Triennial Meeting, Cambridge, 24 July – 28 July, 2011

    § RAC/TRAC Conference at Romisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Frankfurt, Germany, March 29-April 1, 2012.

    § The Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, April 11-14, 2012.

    Paper Read: “Fracturing the Insularity of the Global State: War and Conflict in Moira Buffini’s Welcome to Thebes

    § Women, Democracy and the Ideology of Exclusion from Antiquity through the early 20th Century, Gorgas Library, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, United States of America, March 24-25, 2016

    § Femi Osofisan, Post-Negritude Tradition and 50 years of Nigerian Literary Drama. The Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, June 13-17, 2016.

    Paper Read - Lament: The Burden of Women from Troy to Owu.

    § Classics and Global Humanities Conference, @ the Great Hall, University of Ghana, October 11-12, 2018.

    Paper Read- Lysistrata, Titubi and the Mythology of Resistance.

    § Classical Antiquity and Local Identities: From Newfoundland to Nigeria and Ghana, March 7-9, 2019, Memorial University, Canada.

    Paper Read: With Oppression is always a clamour for Justice: Unmasking Antigone in Nigeria

    § Performing Greek Literature in a time of Pandemic. Online Conference supported by University of Reading, June 23-24, 2022.

    Paper Read- Medaaye: Making a Play in a Global Pandemic

    § Gender in Transdisciplinary Humanities. Humboldt Kolleg, July 13-16, 2022.

    Paper Read- Humanities and Centre for Gender Studies in African Universities.

    § The 2023 Classical Association Conference. April 21-23, 2023, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. (Online participation).

    Paper Read- Teaching Cultural Heritage: Classics at Ibadan 1948-

    § In the Shadow of Hippolytos: Classical Studies in Honour of Professor Barbara E. Goff September 22, 2023, University of Reading, United Kingdom.

    Paper Read- Medaaye: Two Love Stories


    § Re-imagining Tragedy Across Africa and the Global South 26-27 September 2023, APGRD Oxford.

    § Globalizing the Classics: Femi Osofisan’s Re-readings of Ancient Greek Tragedy 9-10 November 2023, Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada.

    Paper Read- Medaaye’s Love Affair with Destiny in Femi Osofisan’s African Re-reading of Euripides’ Medea

    Seminars / Workshops / Conversations/ Theatre Productions

    § The Relevance of Classical Studies in the 21st Century: Draper Hall, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Feb. 2001.

    § 4th Information & Communication Technology Capacity Building Programme (CBP). University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, July 11-29, 2005.

    § Rape in Classical Antiquity given at the Department of Classics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, November 2006.

    § The History of Classics at Ibadan presented at the University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, May 2013

    § Elegiac Odes: The burden of Women from Troy to Owu presented at the University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, November 2015

    § Antigone and Tegonni: Female Sexuality, Subdued Masculinity and Tyranny in Classical and African Drama presented at the University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, May 18, 2016

    § ‘Problems and Pleasures: Women in the Golden Age of Athens’ presented at the University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana, 1 December, 2017.

    § Abiola Irele Seminar in Theory and Criticism, Theories, Methods, and the Global Knowledge Economy: Career Growth for the Emerging Scholar, 9-20TH July 2018, Kwara State University International Conference Centre, Ilorin.

    § Workshop on Not All Canoes Sail Back Home. National Theatre, Accra, Ghana. February 2020

    § Towards a more Inclusive Classics II: Prof Olakunbi Olasope, Dr Monica Aneni & Dr

    I.M Alade in conversation on Student-Lecturer Partnership. A hybrid International Workshop. Hosted by the University of Reading, United Kingdom. July1-2, 2021.

    § Workshops on MÉDÁYÉ: A re-reading for the African stage of EURIPIDES’. MEDEA

    April 6th, 12th, 23rd, June 16, 2021.


    § Archives of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) University of Oxford PUBLIC LECTURE SERIES. In Conversation with Femi Osofisan by Barbara Goff, Olakunbi Olasope and Tunde Awosanmi virtual participation. 25 October, 2021.

    § In Conversation with Tunji Sotimirin on 101.7 YES FM Ibadan on May 1, 2022.

    § African Classics Network Workshop on Classics in Postcolonial Africa, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 12-13 October 2022.

    § Women as Role Models for the next Generation. Keynote lecture Online. 10 November, 2022.

    § Classics and Race Seminar, New Orleans, 08 Jan, 2023. Virtual Participation

    § Production of Femi Osofisan’s TEGONNI, 2010

    § Production of Femi Osofisan’s Women of Owu, 2012, 2013

    § Production of Femi Osofisan’s MEDAAYE, 2022



    (a) Books Already Published

    1. Olasope, Olakunbi (ed.) (2013). Black Dionysos: Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Ibadan: Kraft Books. 337pp. ISBN 978-978-918-163-6. (Nigeria).

    2. Osofisan, Femi with Olasope, Olakunbi (2020) Gamaliel Onosode, Classicus. An Honourable Life. Mosuro Publishers 289pp. ISBN9789785702720

    3. Olasope, Olakunbi (ed.) (forthcoming). Black Dionysos: In Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Volume II. Ibadan: Kraft Books.

    (b) Chapters in Books Already Published.

    4. Olasope, Olakunbi (2002). Greek and Yoruba Beliefs in Sophocles’Antigone and Femi Osofisan’s Adaptation, Tegonni. In Egbe Ifie (Ed.) Papers in Honour of Tekena N. Tamuno at 70. Ibadan: Opotoru Books. 408–420pp. ISBN 978-8014-08-9. (Nigeria).

    5. Olasope, Olakunbi (2010). Women in the Oikos: Re-thinking Greek Male Anxiety over Female Sexuality. In Kwofie, Emmanuel and Ayeleru, Babatunde (Eds.) Language, Literature and Criticism: Essays in Honour of Aduke Adebayo. Ibadan: Zenith Bookhouse Publishers. 473-486pp. ISBN 978-978-50793-1-9. (Nigeria).

    6. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). To sack a City or to Breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu. In Developments in the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Nigerian Drama and Theatre. Eds. Duro Oni and Sola Adeyemi.Rochester, UK: Alpha Crowne Publishers. 89-98pp.

    7. Olasope, Olakunbi (2013). Painting a Cross-Cultural Canvas: Osofisan’s Journey between Athens and Yorubaland. An Interview. In Olasope, Olakunbi (Ed.) Black Dionysos: Conversations with Femi Osofisan. Ibadan: Kraft Books. 3-27pp. ISBN 978- 978-918-163-6. (Nigeria).

    8. Olasope, Olakunbi (2024) Medaye: Patriarchy, Love and Exile in Nineteenth Century Yorubaland. In “Medea’s Long Shadow in Postcolonial Contexts”, pp.99-110 Routledge Publishers, New York.

    9. Olasope, Olakunbi (forthcoming) Culture and Race in Classical Reception: West African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy. In The Cambridge Companion to Classics and Race. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

    10. Olasope, Olakunbi (forthcoming) Cultural Heritage: Classics at Ibadan since 1948. ‘Classics In and Out of the Academy: Classical Pedagogy in the Twenty-First Century’. Routledge .


    (c) Articles that have Already Appeared in Learned Journals

    11. Olasope, Olakunbi (2001). The Roman Slave and His Prospects in the Late Republic and Early Empire, Castalia, Vol. 6: 63 – 71 (Nigeria).

    12. Olasope, Olakunbi (2004). Gender Discriminations in Classical Rome, Ibadan Journal of European Studies No 4: 34-56 (Nigeria).

    13. Olasope, Olakunbi (2005). Differential Equations: Bride-Price and Dowry in Ancient Roman and Yoruba Cultures. Nigeria and the Classics, Vol. 21: 71-77 (Nigeria).

    14. Olasope, Olakunbi (2007). Patriarchy and Classical Athens: State Regulation of the lives of Women, Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 3: 16-24 (Ghana).

    15. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). The Extent of the Powers of the Paterfamilias and Olori-ebi in Ancient Roman and Yoruba Cultures. Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities, New Series, Vol. 2, No. 2: 153-169 (Ghana).

    16. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). Univira: The Ideal Roman Matrona. Lumina, Vol. 20, No 2: 204-213 (Philippines).

    17. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, I.M (2010). The Okebadan Festival: a Prototype of the Dionysiac Festival. Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 6, Nos. 1&2: 48-70 (Ghana)

    18. Olasope, Olakunbi and Adeyemi, Sola (2011). Fracturing the Insularity of the Global State: War and Conflict in Moira Buffini's Welcome to Thebes. Lagos Notes and Records, Vol. 17: 99-110 (Nigeria).

    19. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). The Artifice of Lysistrata in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata and the plight of Hellenic Women, Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA, Nos.7&8 :147- 166 (Nigeria).

    20. Olasope, Olakunbi (2011). The Augustan Social Reforms of 18 BC and the Elite Roman Women. Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities, New Series, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2: 252-266 (Ghana).

    21. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). A Review of Omobolanle Sotunsa and Olajumoke Yacob- Haliso (Eds.) Women in Africa: Contexts, Rights, Hegemonies. Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies, Vol. 9: 259-265 (Nigeria).

    22. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). Wailing Women in Ancient Greek Society. Ife Journal of Foreign Languages (IJOFOL), Vol. 8: 286-297 (Nigeria).

    23. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). Prostitution: The Appetites of Athenian Men in the Classical Period, Lagos Notes and Records, Vol. 18, No.1: 89-104 (Nigeria).


    24. Olasope, Olakunbi (2012). (Revised). To Sack a City or to breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu. African Performance Review, Vol. 6, No 1: 111-121 (United Kingdom).

    25. Olasope, Olakunbi and Blavo, E.B (2014). Female Patrons: A Reconstruction of Women’s Identity in the Late Roman Republic and Principate. Ibadan Journal of European Studies, Vol. 14: 339-358 (Nigeria).

    26. Olasope, Olakunbi (2014). Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies.

    Journal of Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 5, No.1:69-114 (Ghana).

    27. Olasope, Olakunbi (2014). Stage Acting and the Actor in Ancient Rome: Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA Nos. 9&10: 117-134 (Nigeria).

    28. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). The Contributions of Women to the Athenian Economy in Antiquity. Nigeria and the Classics, Vol. 29: 35-50 (Nigeria).

    29. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). The Playwright is a Labourer of Love. An Interview with Femi Osofisan. Critical Stages/ Scenes Critiques the IACT Webjournal, Issue No 12: 1- 10 (United States of America).

    30. Olasope, Olakunbi (2015). Women’s Reproductive Health in Greek Antiquity. Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Vol. 11, No.1: 156-177 (Ghana).

    31. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, Idowu (2015). A Survey of Greek Cosmogony and Modern Cosmological Hypotheses. Ibadan Journal of European Studies, Vol. 15: 445- 467 (Nigeria).

    32. Olasope, Olakunbi and Alade, Idowu (2015). Chiron in Apollonius’ Argonautica and Itanforiti of Fagunwa’s Ireke- Onibudo: a Centaur’s Journey in Space and Time. Ibadan: Journal of English Studies. Vol.11: 282- 305 (Nigeria).

    33. Olasope, Olakunbi (2017). Lament as Women’s Speech in Femi Osofisan’s Adaptation of Euripides’ Trojan Women: Women of Owu. Textus English Studies in Italy Vol. XXX No 2: 105-121 (Italy).

    34. Olasope, Olakunbi (2019) Introductory Notes on Femi Osofisan’s Morountodun in the play Morountodun. Mosuro Publishers, Pp.118-147 (Nigeria).

    35. African Takeover. (2021) MEDAAYE. Blogs 9,10 & 11. Hosted by Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) The Open University, United Kingdom.

    36. Olasope, Olakunbi (2022) Producer’s Notes on Femi Osofisan’s MEDAAYE in the play

    MEDAAYE Pp.10-13 Mosuro Publishers (Nigeria).

    (d) Books, Chapters in Books and Articles Already Accepted for Publication

    37. Olasope, Olakunbi (2024 forthcoming). Review of T.B.L Webster’s Some thoughts on the prehistory of Greek Drama. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies.


    (e) Monographs

    38. Olasope, Olakunbi (2006). Marriage Alliances in Ancient Rome: Ibadan, Hope Library of Liberal Arts Series 5, 48 pp. ISBN 978-8080-47-2. (Nigeria).

    39. Olasope, Olakunbi (2009). Roman Jewellery, Benin Beads for Class Structures: Significance of Adornment in Ancient Cultures: Ibadan, Hope Library of Liberal Arts series 8, 36 pp. ISBN 978-8080-47-2. (Nigeria).

    40. Olasope, Olakunbi ( forthcoming) Greek Tragedy on Nigerian Stage. Routledge Post- Colonial Studies Series.


    Research Positions

    Visiting Scholar, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, Spring term, USA (2002) Senior Research Fellow, Oriel College, University of Oxford, Trinity term, (2007) Academic Visitor, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, Spring (2010) Academic Visitor, University of Reading, United Kingdom (2015-2016)

    Visiting Scholar, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana (2017-2019.)

    I. Research

    (a) Completed

    (i) Roman Attitudes to the Early Christians in the First and Second Centuries.

    (ii) Property Rights of Upper-Class Roman Women in the Late Republic and Early Empire.

    (b) In Progress:

    (i) Athenian Women and Feminism: The Past in the Present

    This research dwells on patriarchy and its oppressive influence on women. “Patriarchy”, broadly speaking, connotes a society based on male dominance of all areas of valued activity, where women are seen as subordinate members of society and expressly denied certain desirable opportunities on the basis of their identity as women. Patriarchal societies espouse a thoroughly unequal model of gender relations and thereby ensure that one characteristic of these relations will be gender dissonance. They, however, characteristically allot to adult women the management of households and early rearing of the young. Although gender ideology often seeks to deny women active independent agency, it also requires them to be successfully functioning wives and mothers. It thus requires them to exercise an energetic practical agency in their own sphere.

    Grants and Awards

    a. A.G. Leventis Visiting Scholar Grant 2002

    b. University of Ibadan Senate Research Grant 2005/2006

    c. British Academy Visiting Fellowship 2007

    d. Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2007

    e. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship 2008

    f. A.G. Leventis Research Fellowship 2015/2016

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